Visual Studio Unity Intellisense

Tired of constantly switching between the Unity Editor and Visual Studio to create new C# scripts? Are you frustrated by all the boiler plate code you're writing in scripts? Install this extension for simple enhancements to your workflow.

Streamline your workflow

Save time and become a power user

Unity visual studio autocomplete

Unity recognizes that Visual Studio Code is my External Script Editor, but intellisense in Vis Studio Code still does not recognize or provide autocomplete for Unity namespace items. Edit: After a bit of searching I found the solution!

To use IntelliSense for Unity messages: Place the cursor on a new line inside the body of a class that derives from MonoBehaviour. Begin typing the name of a Unity message, such as OnTriggerEnter. Once the letters ' ontri ' have been typed, a list of IntelliSense suggestions appears. What you will get from this page: Handy tips to help you be more productive when using Microsoft Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac as the code editor for your Unity projects. Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac come with a suite of tools for Unity, including IntelliSense support for Unity API messages, debugging and inspecting features. IntelliSense options. IntelliSense options are on by default. To turn them off, choose Tools Options Text Editor and deselect Parameter information or Auto list members if you do not want the List Members feature. IntelliSense icons. The icons in IntelliSense can convey additional meaning with icon modifiers. In Unity go to Package Manager and install Visual Studio Code Editor. This will enable Unity to generate proper project files for VSCode. In Unity go to Edit - Preferences - External Tools and choose VSCode from the dropdown (could be listed as code.cmd) and after you choose it tick all the checkboxes you want in the Generate.csproj files for section.

Save precious time and create your new files quickly in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio with templates made for Unity projects. There are templates for MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject, StateMachineBehaviour, shaders, and common ECS code. No more constantly switching between Unity and Visual Studio just to create a new C# file or shader file.

Quickly add new files directly from the Add menu

Even more templates

Right-click on a project or folder in the Solution Explorer and choose Add > New Item. In the Add New Item dialog there will be a Unity folder that contains all the item templates.


Speed up your productivity and write less boiler-plate code

More than a dozen snippets make it simple to quickly write common Unity code with a few keys. Type the shortcut for a snippet, press Tab twice when it shows in IntelliSense, and customize. Press Enter when you're ready and off you go, back to working on your game.

Visual Studio Unity Intellisense

Open and customizable

Don't like how something looks? Have an idea for more snippets? Visit the GitHub repo and customize for yourself or submit an issue with an idea.

Tired of constantly switching between the Unity Editor and Visual Studio to create new C# scripts? Are you frustrated by all the boiler plate code you're writing in scripts? Install this extension for simple enhancements to your workflow.

Streamline your workflow

Save time and become a power user

Save precious time and create your new files quickly in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio with templates made for Unity projects. There are templates for MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject, StateMachineBehaviour, shaders, and common ECS code. No more constantly switching between Unity and Visual Studio just to create a new C# file or shader file.

Quickly add new files directly from the Add menu

Even more templates

Right-click on a project or folder in the Solution Explorer and choose Add > New Item. In the Add New Item dialog there will be a Unity folder that contains all the item templates.

Speed up your productivity and write less boiler-plate code

More than a dozen snippets make it simple to quickly write common Unity code with a few keys. Type the shortcut for a snippet, press Tab twice when it shows in IntelliSense, and customize. Press Enter when you're ready and off you go, back to working on your game.


Open and customizable

Visual Studio Unity Autocomplete


Visual Studio Code With Unity

Don't like how something looks? Have an idea for more snippets? Visit the GitHub repo and customize for yourself or submit an issue with an idea.